Meeting notes from the graphics group for 2019-01-02 and 2019-01-16

Warner Losh imp at
Fri Jan 18 18:11:58 UTC 2019

Here's the meeting notes from the last two meetings the graphics group has
had. Sorry this has taken me a while to get out.

2019-01-16: Agenda


   Bumping LLVM version in mesa

      Supposed to happens start of January, but has been delayed.

      Plan is to push the custom version for this quarterly branch and then
      migrate to the normal infrastructure quarter. This plan allows us to roll
      back if there’s something crazy currently-unknown problem.

   Input stack

      Giant patch merged before new years.

      Latest version of libinput is 1.12.5, we have 1.12.4 in development
      repo. Niclas will update to 1.12.5, though it’s not as urgent as prior

      Libudev-devd patches plus patches for epoll-shim library. We’ll need
      to update these to the latest snapshots. Niclas cutting releases
instead of
      having a dated snapshot.

      Niclas started working on meson build infrastructure to get to know
      it, starting with the above items.

      Some discussions on mailing list with sway and wayland wrt input
      stack. It seems to be working great. Easier to configure in sway
than in X.

      Pete to make a quick blog post on setup to try to get people using
      his setup for sway and our input stack.

      Add sysctls with device info for /dev/input/* stuff:


      Seems to be mostly working now.

      There’s some rough edges with the beta, but it’s in a good, usable

      Unsure if the crashes are due to FreeBSD specific issues, or if it’s

      Worst problems around X11 - Wayland apps.

      Pete will test jan’s weston branch and gnome3 backends that use
      wayland rendering.

      Weston branch:

   Deorbit legacy drm from base

      Warner to produce  a phab review by Jan 21st

   Quarterly report

      Due at the end of January

      Should update the outline before we turn the outline into human
      readable form

   Drm kmod progress update

      Johannes Lundberg working on 4.20 last we heard. Changes required in
      base to get it running. Matt Macy still had the changes for 4.18
in flight,
      and then he’ll do more changes for 4.20.

      Depending on timing and size of 4.20 changes, we may do a 4.18 exp
      first as a stepping stone to get to 4.20. 4.16 has some stability issues
      that 4.18 addresses.

      Plan is to get 4.20 running as the experimental branch soon. It’s the
      first version with good big endian PowerPC support.

   Mesa 18.3

      Niclas will update the repo so that packages are easier to build

      Good to get done soon


      Good progress on drm by manu@ on arm64. Can run xorg server

      manu@ hopes to have something working on pinebook before fosdem

      Once driver is stable, they can cleanup code for release and
      integrate into the tree.


      Ping form Ed Maste. Coop students had trouble installing the new drm
      stuff following the instructions in the handbook.

      There was a phab review that started to update things

      Will loop in bsddocs people as well as Ed’s coop students


Niclas Zeising (zeising@)

Johannes Dietrich

Warner Losh (imp@)

Pete Wright

Manu Vadot (manu@)
2019-01-02: Agenda


   Bumping LLVM version in mesa

      Will do local version and try to merge to quarterly branch. Next
      quarter we’ll use infrastructure version unless there’s issues.

   Input stack

      Deferred until next meeting

   Deorbit legacy drm in base

      Warner to send mail Jan 3rd to x11 proposing a Feb 1 removal of the
      “easy” stuff

      Feb 1: remove dev/drm and the parts of dev/drm2 not used by arm.
      Remove module makefiles entirely.


      Deferred until next meeting

   Quarterly report

      Will work on over the next few days

   Mesa 18.3

      Would like to see AMD system testing, will be a few days before we
      can do it

      Otherwise deferred until next meeting.


Niclas Zeising (zeising@)

Warner Losh (imp@)

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