i915 update to Linux 3.8 ready!

Miguel C miguelmclara at gmail.com
Thu Mar 10 19:54:34 UTC 2016

I was just looking at my acpiconf -i0 output  and I guess my battery is
dead anyway:

acpiconf -i0
Design capacity:        3400 mAh
Last full capacity:     294 mAh <------------------- Seriously ? :P
Technology:             secondary (rechargeable)
Design voltage:         11100 mV
Capacity (warn):        14 mAh
Capacity (low):         11 mAh
Low/warn granularity:   3 mAh
Warn/full granularity:  280 mAh
Model number:           AP11D3F
Serial number:            702
Type:                   LION
OEM info:               SANYO
State:                  discharging
Remaining capacity:     97%
Remaining time:         0:13
Present rate:           1231 mA (14048 mW)
Present voltage:        11412 mV

But nice to know with the update it saves a bit of power.

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