What are the criteria for contributing to development and testing?

Arto Pekkanen isoa at kapsi.fi
Thu Feb 18 20:37:02 UTC 2016

Well, you can start by testing the experimental kernel, which includes 
preliminary GPU support from Linux 3.8:

If you get the kernel crash, that is an opportunity to first send crash 
reports (which include kernel crash dumps, system logs etc), and if you 
have knowledge of x86 system level programming, you can try to figure 
out why it crashed and how to fix it, and later on submit patches to the 
kernel. The kernel developers frequently communicate in this mailing 
list, so if you have a patch that solves a problem, they would be very 
thankful, and so would be all FreeBSD users in this small community :) 
And of course merely reports of using the experimental kernel are also 
very much appreciated.

I am not a yet proficient in x86 system level programming, so I just 
test out new revisions of the kernel when they come available, submit 
crash reports etc.

The main wiki article is very informative in listing milestones and 

There is also a preliminary workflow available:

Anil Gulati kirjoitti 17.02.2016 17:07:
> Dear FreeBSD-X11,
> My thread on FreeBSD forums base system
> https://forums.freebsd.org/threads/55054/ helped me establish that 
> buying
> an Intel NUC or System 76 with 5th Gen Broadwell Intel i3/i/5/i7 would 
> be a
> no go for X11 on FreeBSD https://wiki.freebsd.org/Graphics
> Is it possible for me to contribute to the development and testing of
> driver support to get these chips working with the Intel HD Graphics 
> 6000
> 6100 etc?
> And if I go for a 6th Gen Skylake Intel i3/i5/i7 is it possible and
> appropriate to contribute to development and testing on Skylake before
> Haswell or Broadwell support is finished?
> One thing worries me on Skylake is that I read that the Skylake chipset
> "retires VGA support"
> https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Intel_HD_and_Iris_Graphics#Skylake
> Does this mean I can't even get console working on Skylake? I'm not 
> sure if
> Linux has support for Skylake yet either? Can I even install FreeBSD if 
> I
> can't see console?
> What are the criteria for contributing to development and testing?
> Thanks
> AniilG
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Arto Pekkanen

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