What are the criteria for contributing to development and testing?

José Pérez fbl at aoek.com
Thu Feb 18 11:48:56 UTC 2016

if you want to contribute, please have a look at this thread:


José Pérez

El 2016-02-18 11:42, Erik Trulsson escribió:
> Quoting Anil Gulati <gulati.au at gmail.com>:
>>> On Thursday, 18. Feb 2016, 02:07:16 +1100, Anil Gulati wrote:
>>> > [...] buying
>>> > an Intel NUC or System 76 with 5th Gen Broadwell Intel i3/i/5/i7  would be a
>>> > no go for X11 on FreeBSD.
>>> >
>>> > Is it possible for me to contribute to the development and testing of
>>> > driver support to get these chips working with the Intel HD Graphics 6000
>>> > 6100 etc?
>>> >
>>> > [...]
>>> >
>>> > What are the criteria for contributing to development and testing?
>> On 18 February 2016 at 10:03, Bertram Scharpf  
>> <lists at bertram-scharpf.de> wrote:
>>> Patience, patience, and again patience. Two and a half
>>> months ago I made the same offer to contribute because I own
>>> a Broadwell and because I'm an experienced programmer. The
>>> only thing I asked for was some instructions where to start
>>> from as I'm new to the FreeBSD kernel.
>> Thanks for the perspective, Bertram.
>> This is the second time I'm considering entering the fray.
>> The previous time I wanted to help a Python project move to Python 3K
>> and worked on code off and on for 3 years but couldn't get any direct
>> communication and ended up collaborating with someone else who was
>> pretty much in the same boat but the maintainer never accepted any
>> pull requests and I began to suspect some duplication of work.
>> This time I therefore don't want to start unless I'm sure I've got an
>> entry point that the project team actually wants to delegate.
> If you are waiting for someone to hold your hand and guide you while 
> you
> get up to speed with FreeBSD development, then you may have to wait a
> very long time.
> You can read the various documents found at
> https://www.freebsd.org/docs/books.html for some information and
> introduction, but beyond that you are pretty much on your own as
> far as I can tell.
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