End of year Xorg status rant

Beeblebrox zaphod at berentweb.com
Sat Dec 31 11:52:01 UTC 2016

I agree 100% with you.
I'm a desktop user and chose FreeBSD because I find the sysadmin tasks on Linux unbearable. My use as it seems to be yours is primarily for data analysis. However what use to me (or any desktop user) is a solid & rock-steady base system if, for all practical purposes, the Desktop is unusable?

> I think we face a political problem, not so much a man-power-driven one
I'm sure the Foundation and developers have been debating whether to drop desktop all together and only focus on server-side, which I would have no problem with and would just migrate to some other OS. The problem as you stated is that this half-assed approach is not working. Put simply, the choices are:
A. Drop all Xorg related ports, kernel modules and move on or
B. Seriously go after creating a decent (I don't need fantastic) desktop experience

We all know what option A would mean for the future of FreeBSD, but not my call.
If all else fails, I'm afraid I must agree with:
> Time to change paradigm, time to change OS ...

Thanks for the info.
> .. the great work you've done as the major comitter to this project
First off, personal thanks even if I don't benefit from it directly.

> If you care about Radeon I would welcome contributions to its upkeep.
> Unfortunately, the intersection set between people who care about
> radeonkms and those attending to its upkeep is currently empty.
I'll take a look, but I just don't have the coding experience/knowledge. I'd have to travel pretty far to get to the point where my contributions would be productive for either side :((

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