x11: Prospects for Intel SkyLake IGP?

Jean-Sébastien Pédron jean-sebastien.pedron at dumbbell.fr
Tue Oct 27 18:34:53 UTC 2015

On 26.10.2015 08:01, grarpamp wrote:
> Noting that Haswell has been out for three years
> and FreeBSD is just now getting alpha support
> for its on die graphics (cool :)... what are the prospects
> for SkyLake, whether 2d / 3d, and in what possible
> timeframes?


I think Skylake support is brand new in Linux too so we still have a
long road before we get there. Dependending on the number of
contributors, it could be next year, but very hard to say at this point.

> How far do the recent imports / porting from Linux
> and any new native FreeBSD code that were used
> to support Haswell translate towards SkyLake?

The next update will bring i915 to Linux 3.8, released in early 2013. So
before reaching Skylake, there are Valleyview and Broadwell on the path.

> What is Linux's current status on SkyLake?

I did not check.

> How are SkyLake's supposed firmware blobs
> expected to be handled within FreeBSD?

I guess exactly like Radeon firmwares are handled (ie. kernel modules).

> Is Intel's documentation sufficient?

Probably. There are still the intel-gfx@ mailing-list and the #intel-gfx
IRC channel is necessary.

> Is the FreeBSD Foundation or any other entity in
> a position or mind to assist with supporting what
> seems like may be a potentially popular workstation
> type of graphics hardware?

We (the graphics stack team) will come with plans so it's easy to share
the maintenance of the kernel drivers, because it's very difficult right
now. We will discuss this here once the current i915 update is committed.

Jean-Sébastien Pédron

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