Neo-layout and others

Moritz Buhl moritz at
Wed Apr 1 14:52:10 UTC 2015

So when using the neo-layout there are more modifiers than only shift 
and caps.
There are three modifiers that you can press together to get up to six 
different layers instead of just the two layers with QWERTZ.
The problem is that there are only the first two working when using 
"setxkbmap de neo".
And when using "xmodmap neo.xmodmap" (you have to download the file) 
there is no working layer 4. (The one with the arrow keys on E, S, D and 
F (QWERTZ-Keyboard))
Mod 4 is the less-key, which is next to the left shift-key or the 
Alt-Gr-Key. (German layout)

On 30.03.2015 21:57, Jean-Sébastien Pédron wrote:
> On 30.03.2015 01:56, Moritz Buhl wrote:
>> Hi I don't know why but something is wrong with FreeBSD's X11. I am
>> using a alternative layout ( ) and when using
>> the xkbmap I only can use the first two layers, when using the
>> xmodmap(1) there is no layer 4.
> Hi!
> Could you please expand a bit on what you are trying to achieve?
> When you say there is no layer 4, does that mean you can't type
> characters reachable using Shift+Alt?

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