What driver (and how) to use for Radeon HD 6950 these days

Paul Schiro tribblon at gmail.com
Thu Jan 30 06:07:42 UTC 2014

Thanks for the reply.

On Thu, 2014-01-30 at 13:52 +0800, Erich Dollansky wrote:
> > Hi all... been an avid FreeBSD user since about 2.1.5... but its been
> as you started this, BSD since 1979. But only for a few hours.

I was -1 year old, so...

> > To cut to the chase, I have a Radeon HD 6950 [ATI RV970].. after much
> Ask a search engine for WITH_NEW_XORG and WITH_GALLUIM in the make.conf

I've got the WITH_NEW_XORG and WITH_GALLIUM make.conf options in there
already, and reinstalled all the xorg packages... but still had trouble
getting drm2 to work.... though I just used "pkg install"... I'm
thinking I have to go through the pain of building all of it in ports...
the more I think on it, the more that sounds right, since make.conf
options probably aren't going to do anything for prebuilt binaries...

> You also should check if this card is even supported. I use Intel at
> the moment and do not know much more.

Seems like it might be:

$ grep 6950 /usr/src/sys/dev/drm2/drm_pciids.h
	{0x1002, 0x6719, CHIP_CAYMAN|RADEON_NEW_MEMMAP, "Cayman PRO [Radeon HD
6950]"}, \

Other than that, no idea how to tell for sure at present...

Guess I'll try rebuilding all of xorg with those make.conf options for

> Erich

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