ports/170852: [PATCH] x11-fonts/encodings: encodings.dir includes bogus entries

Hiroto Kagotani hiroto.kagotani at gmail.com
Wed Jan 22 13:04:44 UTC 2014

Thank you for replying.
Yes, the problem remains.

The encodings.dir installed by the port is:
adobe-dingbats ./adobe-dingbats.enc
adobe-dingbats ./adobe-dingbats.enc.gz
adobe-standard ./adobe-standard.enc
adobe-standard ./adobe-standard.enc.gz
adobe-symbol ./adobe-symbol.enc
adobe-symbol ./adobe-symbol.enc.gz
armscii-8 ./armscii-8.enc
armscii-8 ./armscii-8.enc.gz
ascii-0 ./ascii-0.enc
ascii-0 ./ascii-0.enc.gz

And I have to modify the file like following to use some Japanese TTF
fonts in legacy X11 apps.
adobe-dingbats ./adobe-dingbats.enc.gz
adobe-standard ./adobe-standard.enc.gz
adobe-symbol ./adobe-symbol.enc.gz
armscii-8 ./armscii-8.enc.gz
ascii-0 ./ascii-0.enc.gz


2014/1/22 Niclas Zeising <zeising at freebsd.org>:
> On 01/22/14 13:42, Hiroto Kagotani wrote:
>> Could anyone in freebsd-x11 team confirm and fix this problem?
> The handling of encodings.dir and similar files has changed to support
> staging.  Can you please test updated ports and see if the problem remains.
> Regards!
> --
> Niclas Zeising

Hiroto Kagotani
<hiroto.kagotani at gmail.com>

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