ports/156405: x11-drivers/xf86-video-ati driver: no hardware rendering

Niclas Zeising zeising at freebsd.org
Thu Aug 29 11:27:14 UTC 2013

On 2013-08-29 02:26, Thomas Mueller wrote:
> From my previous post and Niclas Zeising's response:
>>> I could return to a text console in the dark and type "shutdown -r now" or even type the command to go back into X, successfully.
>> In general, this can work.  It did last time I tested, but that was some
>> time ago so things might have changed.
> When I tried with new Xorg and KMS in 9-STABLE, my system froze immediately, not just the console.  I finally managed to downgrade to the old Xorg after considerable difficulty.

What hardware do you have?  Are you sure that the system froze, and not
only that the console went black?  Did you check any logs (dmesg, xorg
log, etc.)  How do you load the kernel modules for the intel kms driver?
In general, you shouldn't need to load anything at all, X loads the
correct kernel module at the correct time during startup.
> I'd like to try again on a new computer, with FreeBSD-current/HEAD (10.0 is in the not-so-distant future?).

10.0 is slated to arrive in a few months.  Be aware when trying new
hardware, however, that FreeBSD might be lagging somewhat in support,
especially when it comes to graphics hardware.
> With 3 TB hard drive and GPT, I have plenty of space and partitions to experiment, and probably less hazardous than the stablest versions of NetBSD.
>>> With serial ports becoming obsolete, what can one use for or in place of a serial console?
>> FireWire.  I haven't tested myself, but have a look at
>> http://www.freebsd.org/doc/en_US.ISO8859-1/books/developers-handbook/kerneldebug-dcons.html
>> for instructions on how to use FireWire as a console.
> This still leaves the question of how to set it up in terms of hardware.  I don't think there are any FireWire consoles.
> Would I plug anything into the motherboard's FireWire port?  I just thought of FireWire-to-HDMI cable but haven't looked to see if these exist.

Check the guide.  In general you plug the firewire cable from one
computer into another computer, and use the first one to debug the second.
>>> Would it work to have two xorg.conf files, one with Intel driver and the other with vesa?  Then could you go back to a working console when using the vesa driver?
>> Once you've loaded the KMS awawre kernel module, there is no way to get
>> the console back short of a reboot of the system.
> But would starting X with vesa driver load the KMS awawre kernel module?

No, using vesa driver won't load the KMS module, but once you've loaded
the KMS module, you can't get the console back short of a reboot.
> What about "xorg -configure" which I might want to do the first time?
In general you don't need very much in terms of a config file any
more...  It was some time since I set  up my own X, so I can't remember
how xorg -configure works, you have to try yourself.


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