Intel X3000 black screen using Vesa driver

Kaya Saman kayasaman at
Sat Feb 25 19:34:48 UTC 2012


I'm running FreeBSD 9.0 x64 Release on a Lenovo X220 notebook.

So far everything seems to work but for whatever reason I can't seem to 
start X properly!

I ran: Xorg -configure -retro

which worked and I got the Xorg grey fuzzy screen with X cursor in it.

The rest of the steps I took from the handbook:

I have a .xinitrc file containing:

exec xterm &
exec fluxbox/jwm (I set to either option)

But to no luck :-(

I think it's because Xorg has changed and the .xinitrc seems to be 
deprecated/depreciated and not used any more.

Currently am using the Vesa driver as none of the Intel drivers seem to 
work for me:

Screen not found

Error coming up each time.

I tried with both these drivers:


Also my screen is 720p half HD so res supported is 1366x768 which 
standard Vesa driver doesn't like the mode of either.

Can anyone help me out?

Will post the Xorg.log and other output if necessary but am stuck using 
virtual terminals so had to reboot into Fedora 16 to be able to send email.

Will need to get Alpine coupled with my .pinerc files working so that I 
can use my Gmail account but that's not an issue - it's something I have 
to do regardless :-)



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