FBSD 8.2R can't startx

Gua Chung Lim gua.chunglim at gmail.com
Sat Mar 19 15:08:09 UTC 2011

> If startx gave three xterms, with no .xinitrc, you were probably seeing 
> twm (X's default wm). This means that the problem may not be xorg. If 
> you delete .xinitrc you should be greeted with these xterms again and be 
> able to move them etc.
> You can try to delete your xorg.conf, that often gets me into a DE. Due 
> to HAL and the new versions of xorg trying to make config files useless, 
> an xorg.conf can sometimes stop xorg from running. I have not had an 
> xorg.conf in about two years. It sounds (and is) silly, but might work. 
> Make sure to backup your xorg.conf just in case.
I tried mv /etc/X11/xorg.conf and ~/.xinitrc to something else.
For future use, I don't remove them.
Then issue startx, I see one login and two xterms (3 GUI panes)
But after I brought back ~/.xinitrc (without /etc/X11/xorg.conf) to start KDE.
The problem persists, only a small square box moving on black GUI screen.

Gua Chung Lim
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