Kernel Intel GPU driver and ports

Kostik Belousov kostikbel at
Sat Jul 23 13:16:17 UTC 2011

after the initial code drop, I have fixed some amount of bugs and got
several positive reports from users. If KMS worked on your machine, you
probably can use the driver with 3D acceleration on regular basis.

As I see the state of the effort right now, there are two most
impeding issues that prevent wider testing of the driver. First is
the non-working display port code, causing failure in KMS for some
configurations. This will be eventually fixed.

Second is the very laborous procedure to install the required usermode
components. The lists the requirements.

The port provided ddx and mesa cannot be simply updated, because kernel
driver is not yet in src/ head, not mentioning the stable branches.
Also, new libdrm and mesa may be non-functional on our old non-intel DRI
drivers. Additional quirk is that in-tree Xorg server is old, and git
head for intel ddx cannot be built against old Xorg API.

For wide testing, the easy way to install fresh usermode graphics stack
is neededi, while still allowing the most installations to use present
outdated versions.

Could ports/x11 people help me there ? Thanks.
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