X becomes unresponsive with nvidia and hardlocks with gdb (was Re: X becomes unresponsive with nvidia / xscreensaver and desktop panics)

Christoph Mallon christoph.mallon at gmx.de
Tue Jan 13 04:48:28 PST 2009

Christoph Mallon schrieb:
> This also causes interesting cascades like stuttering music:
> - gcc preferred over X
> - X cannot redraw xterm fast enough
> - buffer of xterm fills
> - mplayer cannot write its status line to xterm and blocks
> - because mplayer blocks it cannot feed more data to the sound device
> - music stutters

I just realised that this is the classical priority inversion scenario: 
mplayer has a far higher priority than the compile job, but cannot run 
because it is waiting for X. This reminds me of the poor little mars 
probe Sojourner.

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