Changing the "Zoom" from Ctrl-Alt-Keypad plus/minus

Jens Schweikhardt schweikh at
Sun Jul 1 13:06:57 UTC 2007

hello, world\n

I would like to change the key combination used to "zoom" (cycle through
the resolution list). The xorg.conf manpage only says how to disable it:

       Option "DontZoom"  "boolean"
              This   disallows   the   use  of  the  Ctrl+Alt+Keypad-Plus  and
              Ctrl+Alt+Keypad-Minus sequences.  These sequences allows you  to
              switch  between video modes.  When this option is enabled, those
              key sequences have no special meaning and are passed to clients.
              Default: off.

I need a combination not using the keypad, as this is somewhat
complicated on my ThinkPad. Is there a way with xmodmap to change the
"zoom" key-combo, maybe by making other keys act like Keypad-Plus and


Jens Schweikhardt
SIGSIG -- signature too long (core dumped)

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