X.org (experimental) ports moving to LOCALBASE soon

Scott Robbins scottro at nyc.rr.com
Mon Jan 8 18:03:49 PST 2007

On Tue, Jan 09, 2007 at 01:31:55AM +0000, Florent Thoumie wrote:

> Now that most ports are X11BASE-clean, I'm going to move X.org ports to
> ${LOCALBASE} (as opposed to ${X11BASE}, where they live now). So expect
> a commit talking about X.org PREFIX in the next few days.
> Actually, I advise using git-whatchanged and git-log before you make any
> upgrade of your installed ports. The prefix change should need a
> PORTREVISION bump but I won't do it (cause I'm too lazy), so you'll have
> to type something like "portupgrade -R xorg\*".
> You've been warned!

One word.  openoffice.org--hrrm, well, that's two words, or 3 if you go
by vi, but anyway....  Sigh.

> PS: If you have unresolved issues not listed in the wiki page, please
> raise your hand.

I guess that the wiki is for us.  Actually, I had to laugh when I looked
at this latest version, you sound tired.  I liked that (or only
install the necessary bits, etc, that's when I thought, yeah, he's had
it with this.)

It might be worthwhile to put a link on the wiki to Dru's guide to
upgrading, and maybe <modest cough> even my own.  

Dru's is at


Mine is at


> PS2: If you have plenty of time and a test machine, please try to
> upgrade from 6.9 to 7.2.r3 again with the new instructions. The more you
>  test, the less unexpected reports I'll get once it's merged (which
> means less work for me, so that's a win-win, in the sense that I win twice).

As I wrote privately, and also posted, I used the instructions prior to
this--the only difference was that the last set of instructions only had
us delete xorg, rather than the lib<whatever> and it worked without

My own list--(it'd be great if other people give their opinions
too--SirDice, if you're reading this, it's a start at our xorg-lite) :)

After deinstalling (or in a fresh install, where one hasn't yet put any
X related things.)


xorg-fonts-${truetype type1 100-dpi 75-dpi miscbitmaps}

twm and xterm (if you don't already have your own WM and xterm of
choice), xauth, xinit (forgetting that one leaves you without startx
which is embarrassing) and xkbcomp.  (Leaving out xkbcomp left me having
to use xmodmap to set Mod4 to be the Windows key, left me without the |
key in some terminals, etc.).


xf86-input${keyboard mouse videodriver of choice}.  (I've had no trouble
running vmware without the vmware driver, by the way.)

As the above will pull in various other things, it has worked for me,
especially if I then install (on a fresh installation for example)
fluxbox and mlterm.  

Florent and others, once again, you guys are doing a fantastic job. 


Scott Robbins

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Willow: Oz is a werewolf. 
Buffy: It's a long story. 
Oz: Got bit. 
Buffy: But obviously not that long. 

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