Using imwheel with Freebsd 6.1 and xorg 6.9.0_2

John E Hein jhein at
Tue May 30 13:28:05 PDT 2006

Eric W. Bates wrote at 13:48 -0400 on May 30, 2006:
 > emacs scrolling works with imwheel; but not without it.  Other apps I've
 > tested ALL work without imwheel (emacs is the only exception, I've found
 >  -- but my emacs doesn't have scrollbars configured):

Try putting this in your .emacs


I also use: (setq mouse-wheel-scroll-amount '(10 . 1))

Actually what I use is:
(when (fboundp 'mouse-wheel-mode)
  (setq mouse-wheel-scroll-amount '(10 . 1)))

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