Redirect Helvetica to Bitstream Vera Sans?

Joseph Vella satyam at
Mon Jan 23 17:31:58 PST 2006

I've got most of my fonts looking good on my LCD display. Antialiasing is 
working, etc..   But there are many pages and emails that look horrible.  
Whenever I look at the source it has always been Verdana, Helvetica or Arial.  
All the work I've done that has worked to improve my fonts has been in 

Here is what I'm trying that doesn't seem to have any effect:

 <match target="pattern" name="family" >
 <test name="family" qual="any" >
 <edit mode="assign" name="family" >
 <match target="pattern" name="family" >
 <test name="family" qual="any" >
 <edit mode="assign" name="family" >

In the same file I have antialias set to true, hinting set to true and 
hintstyle set to hintfull. Those all make a noticable difference.  I haven't 
put size requirements on antialiasing, but I don't feel that's my problem.  
Because increasing the size of the problematic fonts doesn't help.

I've tried the above redirects to Bitstream Vera Sans, but that also had no 

I did try to put Verdana and Arial fonts from a windows machine into ~/.fonts 
directory, followed up with a fc-cache -f command.  That had no effect.

Any ideas?  Also, where do I find what sans-serif is set to?

Joseph Vella

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