DRI on FreeBSD with a PCIe X800

Rene Ladan r.c.ladan at gmail.com
Tue Dec 5 04:14:13 PST 2006

Adam K Kirchhoff schreef:
> For anyone interested in following this, I've opened up a problem
> report:
> http://www.freebsd.org/cgi/query-pr.cgi?pr=106370
The screen corruption picture looks slightly familiar.  I also get some
red lines/pixels at the top of the screen when I switch to a console and
back again.  After a few seconds the screen is ok again.

Dell Latitude D810, config at http://home.tiscali.nl/rladan/conf/

> Adam
GPG fingerprint = E738 5471 D185 7013 0EE0  4FC8 3C1D 6F83 12E1 84F6

"It won't fit on the line."
		-- me, 2001

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