Xorg ICE vs. Xfce4 (4.2-RC3) needs fixing /etc/rc.d/cleartmp

Jose M Rodriguez josemi at freebsd.jazztel.es
Fri Jan 7 02:15:03 PST 2005

Giorgos Keramidas escribió:

>On 2005-01-07 18:37, Rob <spamrefuse at yahoo.com> wrote:
>>What ever solution you guys decide, it has to be committed quickly.
>>With Xfce's new release 4.2 coming soon, and apparently KDE is also
>>having (or is going to have) problems here, a patch can't wait for
>>too long.
>>Upgraded versions of these Window managers won't start on
>>5.3-Stable; an unexperienced user may have great difficulties in
>>finding out what's going on.
>>Maybe a temporary working patch would do.  However, is it possible
>>to require a system upgrade with a port upgrade?
>Yes, it is not that Evil(TM).  IIRC, people who want a "frozen in
>time" release are supposed to use the packages from their release
>CD-ROMs, are they not?
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Not really.  We not distribute CD3 & CD4 any more, so people trend to 
use packages from ftp. take a look into 
ftp://ftp.freebsd.org/pub/FreeBSD/ports/i386/packages-5-stable/x11/.  we 
have non corrected xorg 6.8.1 packages here.

I think we must choose right now, do a FreeBSD-5-stable package build 
run while we are mostly freeze for RELENG_4_11 and update 
ftp://ftp.freebsd.org/pub/FreeBSD/ports/i386/packages-5-stable/x11/ ASAP.

This will permit have officilal xorg 6.8.1 packages on ftp for 
RELENG_4/RELENG_5 working 'out of the box' after RELENG_4_11.

I'll glad to see also the external uri handler patch for 
firefox/thunderbird (which makes external uri works on this apps), but I 
think this is really missed for RELENG_4_11


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