Q: state of the X (as related to fbsd).

Peter Ulrich Kruppa root at pukruppa.de
Fri Jul 2 06:01:22 PDT 2004

On Fri, 2 Jul 2004, Klaus Robert Suetterlin wrote:

> 1) Why should anyone (I) use the Xorg software bundle?  I mean
> ``really''.  I mean ``today''.
> 2) Is there some kind of (in)official decision to choose one over
> the other?  Or is there a strong personal feeling of the X11 (and
> related technology) maintainers involved?
> 3) What keeps the XFree86-4(.4.0) port update from beeing committed?
These are *my* personal feelings:
1) Because this is the first serious alternative to XFree86.
    *Perhaps* something will work better, faster or different.
2) I hope not: GUIs belong to userland and which kind of beasts
    live in userland should be decided by the people who invest
    their time in porting them.
3) I don't know how to write ports, and if I had the time to
    learn it, I would start with something simplier than
    XFree86-4. What about you?



 	|    Peter Ulrich Kruppa    |
         |         Wuppertal         |
         |          Germany          |

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