Removal of old/outdated files from site

Simon L. B. Nielsen simon at
Sat Jul 28 08:14:12 UTC 2012

[Adding www@ so more people will see and we can wait a bit with the next time this comes up :) ]

On 28 Jul 2012, at 05:17, Glen Barber wrote:

[Stale files]

> If someone from clusteradm@ (or someone else with access to the machine
> on which the documentation build output exists) can remove these old
> files so they are not archived by search engines (since in some cases,
> old file names can indicate very old files, and worse, very old
> information that could be potentially dangerous to a user looking for
> specific information), I would greatly appreciate it.

The problem is that it's not a simple thing to do. Our build installs with the option to not install if files are identical, so timestamps can't be used alone.

E.g. :

-r--r--r--  1 www  wwwadm  4494 Jan  9  2010 TRADEMARKS.html

I have removed the mentioned files but I don't have time to do a full sweep as I might end up deleting too much.

> Furthermore, if someone with the appropriate access can provide a list
> of similarly-named files (which also likely can be fixed with adding a
> section id to the source), I will personally fix the section id so these
> files do not occur again.  (It would be even more helpful if the files
> could be provided as an attachment so I can view the source to track
> down from where they are being generated.)

There is no need for special access to do that. Just build all the docs in html-split and find xNNNN.html files. It's a regular thing which has to be done as people forget when adding new content. I also remember hunting down those files when I more active in doc.

I just looked at porters-handboot and it seems there is at least one left:

-r--r--r--   1 www  wwwadm    2917 Jul 26 13:31 x5834.html

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Simon L. B. Nielsen

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