RFC: Patch to remove obsolete smaller/larger buttons on the website.

Isabell Long issyl0 at FreeBSD.org
Thu Aug 30 13:09:10 UTC 2012

Hi all,

The consensus at the DocSummit on Tuesday was that the smaller/larger
text size buttons on the website are obsolete as browsers have
shortcuts to do this.  The patch linked below removes them.
I've tested and - after removing index.html - the en_US website
still builds, as do all the other language variants (that's an
assumption though I tested three of them, fr_FR, es_ES and zh_CN),
but their websites still include the buttons.

I haven't removed layout/css/fixed_large.css,
layout/js/styleswitcher.js as that would break the other websites.
When they either update their translations or we decide to apply
this change to all of the website translations, these files can
be removed.





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