Searching PRs for a string in the Description: field

Edgar Fuß ef at
Sat May 28 17:18:11 UTC 2011

How do I search PRs for a certain string contained in the Description: field?
I thought ``Text in multi-line fields'' would do just that, but that doesn't seem to work for me.

I'm experiencing a softdep-related panic on NetBSD and was looking for any relevant PRs/fixes in FreeBSD. So I searched for ``allocdirect_merge'', but didn't get any results.
By chance, I stumbled over kern/126089 (which has unfortunally been closed due to feedback timeout) where the Description: field contains my search string. Yes, I checked ``Closed reports too'', but the form didn't find 126089.

I must be doing something stupidly wrong, I guess.

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