premature unrealistic

Mamie Lott qglq at
Mon Apr 16 13:56:43 UTC 2007

He would have booed him if he was there. Richard got sprayed with Pam and then took his hand, rubbed it on his penis and then rubbed that on Sal.
Howard said he got to check her out but he didn't think it was art at all. The guys talked about how bad Ronnie's tattoos are and goofed on him a little bit as well.
He said that Gary had just brought in his white horse so he could ride in on it and save show business again.
Howard said that maybe that guy should go get checked out then. Howard has had some strange flights himself with people that he's bad mouthed and stuff like that. He said that was cool because he could brag to his father about that.
Howard said that Beth did the whole Christmas tree thing this year and it looks very professional.
That led to the guys talking about who was invited and it sounded like just about everyone from the show was.
If he was given the choice of Beth or Gwen, he would go with Gwen. Gary said that the head of it was a different color, it was black and blue. Howard said he's  done getting upset with people stealing from his show. Everyone tries to pick out the false story.
He said that was cool because he could brag to his father about that. Will told Fred that maybe he should have put the scorpion inside a flower with the flower wrapped around it.
Artie said they should probably get Bubba something since he's not making any money with his radio show.
Benjy said he once went to a female doctor and told her that he had something on his penis but she refused to look at it.
Howard told him that his dog tattoo looks like Triumph the Insult Dog. He said that she's gay to the 10th power too and it must drive Dick crazy. She said that he may have a sexually transmitted disease and he may want to get that checked out. Some people are upset about that and there may be more to it than they think.
10:40am Sal and Richard wanted to come in and stretch out their penises for Howard TV because there was so little going on today. Howard asked Ralph if he's going to Bubba's wedding. 5 twists before he was done. Fred played Queen's ''Another One Bites The Dust'' for Robin since she lost another assistant.
He said he may not have lived up to the hype but he was better than Billy Crystal or Whoopi Goldberg.
He'll be locked up in some room with his agent and Vinnie Favale. He said it was no joke though.
The View hired the drivers to transport her to work but she was actually kicked out of one limo due to her constant demands from the driver.
she said she doesn't have the time to do it though. Howard read a story about Kevin Federline who is getting divorced from Britney Spears.
Richard got sprayed with Pam and then took his hand, rubbed it on his penis and then rubbed that on Sal.

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