website statistics

Murray Stokely murray at
Tue May 9 18:11:23 UTC 2006

On Tue, May 09, 2006 at 01:20:26PM +0200, Pav Lucistnik wrote:
> Simon Nielsen was kind enough to provide me with log files from
>, nine days between Friday 28 April and Saturday 6 May.
> All data are cleared from search engine crawlers, RSS clients and
> automated downloads of files for ports infrastructure.

Very interesting.  Thanks for doing this analysis.

> My take: Ports are immensely popular, I think they should get their own
> entry on the horizontal grey navbar. On the other hand, Community is
> rarely visited and could be collapsed into Support.

I think that is a good idea well supported by your findings.  We
should make sure to remove the 'Ports' from the 'Shortcuts' list when
it is added to the gray top navbar.

> Couldn't find /smp/ referenced from /projects/ page, should it be there?
> Couldn't find a link to CVSweb interface, where is it referenced?

cvsweb : -> developers -> cvs -> web interface
Seems easy enough to find.

The SMP page is out of date, so I'm not particularly worried about it
being referenced more.

> On top of the numbers above, search engine crawlers generated another
> 43,778 hits/day. Googlebot alone is responsible for 7875 hits/day.

Google claims to have 1,680,000 documents from indexed
( query), and 3 times as much if you count and the various ftpN and other domains.  If that is
anywhere near correct, then 7875 hits / day means the average page is
only refreshed every 213 days.  I hope it crawls faster than 7875 hits
/ day on other days.  Does Apache log a page hit if it was not
returned because of an If-Modified-Since header?

The current cached version of on Google is
from May 8, just before our new logo update, while the cached version
on Yahoo is from mid April, and on MSN is from May 2.

   - Murray

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