Tools of the trade on the *nix platform?

Josef El-Rayes josef at
Thu Dec 30 06:35:37 PST 2004

Nikolas Britton <freebsd at>:
> I like perl, what's that tell you? :-) Most of the time I do use a 
> programmers editor but for large amounts of code generation and 
> layout (Like  starting a brand new site or playing with layout 
> ideas) you can't beat it! As far as bad code, the only code thats 
> bad code is one that doesn't validate at W3C. did you read my whole 
> post?, guess I should have started with the programmers editor and 
> ended with the wysiwyg.

its just my opinion.
validate code does not mean it is 'good code'. when i see
something like <h1></h1> its valid, but it unnecessariliy
blows up the html file. and wysiwyg editors tend to create
such things, at least when i used to have them in use
(5 years back). creating code out of clicking around
with the mouse is a non-trivial task and this is why
none of these kind of software creates code as good as
one you write manually with your hand.
when i play with layout ideas i take a pencil and a sheet
of paper. and then i turn it into code, with my favourite
editor. thats the game.

but, there are wysiwig editors for freebsd. just take
a look in the ports collection (bluefish and quanta
i remember, but i am not sure).

greets, josef
Josef El-Rayes                   (__)
Email:	  josef at     \\\'',) 
Web:     \/  \ ^
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