portaudit wishlist

Oliver Eikemeier eikemeier at fillmore-labs.com
Wed Aug 25 16:01:23 PDT 2004

Jacques Vidrine wrote:

> On Aug 23, 2004, at 10:21 AM, Oliver Eikemeier wrote:
>> Thinking a little about it, I believe this should be discussed in a 
>> place where portaudit users are present, either ports@ or security. 
>> freebsd-vuxml@ has too few subscribers to get an useful picture of 
>> what features desired by users are.
> Certainly if you are looking for feedback on portaudit features, 
> another list might be more appropriate.  This list is for discussing 
> VuXML format/contents/and so on.  So I'd expect for example that you'd 
> know "I need to implement feature X in portaudit" and make a proposal 
> here on what might be needed in VuXML to make feature X possible for 
> you to implement.

Uhm, yes. The point is that I want to classify vulnerabilities, so that 
users can filter the information they get to a certain extend. I don't 
think the classification should go into an extra file, since many 
vulnerability databases have classifications. I know that such a feature 
has a high degree of subjectivity, but I think it is useful when some 
vulnerabilities just can "stand out", for example 
616cf823-f48b-11d8-9837-000c41e2cdad is pretty insignificant.

I think I said all this before. I'm not exactly sure what this list is 
good for, since I keep discussing this stuff with you only, so I want to 
move this to a place where we can get some more feedback, like "yes, 
this will be a useful feature" or "no, we don't need that" from someone 
else besides you and me. Discussing this with people interested in the 
VuXML format seems like a waste of time, I want to discuss this with 
people _using_ the data, and the format just has to serve their needs.


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