RHEL virtualization

Nazim Can Bedir nzmjx at protonmail.com
Sat Jan 23 23:35:07 UTC 2021


I can't talk about RHEL but by using vm-bhyve and customized 
configuration (based on 
I have managed to successfully install Ubuntu 20.04 in bhyve last week. 
In general, both booting and installation were smooth and installed 
system is completely usable.

Maybe I would like to try RHEL with centos7.conf?

Nazim Can.

On 24/01/2021 02:14, John Kennedy wrote:
> At work, we have RHEL (-ish; some RHEL, some CentOS, some OEL).  Mostly v7,
> some v8.  Since I'm doing the Covid work-from-home telecommute, I'm trying to
> recreate some of my work infrastructure while trying to plan a bit towards
> the future (migrating a lot of VMs to Azure).
> What I'd like to recreate is my existing kickstart infrastructure, where I
> PXE boot the system, feed it anaconda goodness which dovetails into puppet
> and I can generate a clean system from a template.  Works great for VMWare
> and HyperV, not so much for Azure but if I can generate a snapshot disk
> image Azure can ingest, I'll be happy on that score.
> I've been very happy with bhyve for FreeBSD.  I messed with VirtualBox for
> a while (a long time ago), but with my tendency to track stable (think:
> kernel modules) and keep very current on ports-from-source (frequent
> package updates, upon which VirtualBox has MANY dependencies) made that a
> poorer experience than I had with it on Windows.  I've been very happy with
> bhyve since it's basically baked right in.
> That being said, RHEL on bhyve has been a pain to figure out.  The best I've
> done so far is using sysutils/grub2-bhyve to set up the boot CD, using
> BHYVE_UEFI.fd as UEFI firmware (sysutils/bhyve-firmware I think) and then
> getting at the console via net/tigervnc-viewer.
> Currently I'm fighting grub-bhyve's issue finding the kernel to load (if I'm
> finding the right problem reports, it doesn't seem to like modern XFS or
> ext4 partitions).  I couldn't get net/ipxe to PXE boot anything, and I din't
> manage to get very far with sysutils/uefi-edk2-bhyve.  And of course some
> of these are flagged with python2.7 isses.
> I'm not a fan of grub-bhyve, but that's mostly because you have to specify
> the full kernel-with-version path (changes every kernel update), but I
> figure I could make an expect-script that would figure it out if I could
> find a /boot filesystem type that grub-bhyve could "ls" properly.
> Ignoring my own setup details right now, what would someone currently
> bhyving RHEL recommend that I be doing right now?
> There is so much old information/documentation out there that I'm really
> second-guessing myself and probably chasing a bunch of dying ports.  But
> someone on here must be happy with what they've got going for them.
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