FreeBSD a server and bhyve

Pete Wright pete at
Tue Aug 11 17:23:33 UTC 2020

On 8/11/20 5:49 AM, Odhiambo Washington wrote:
> Hi infoomatic,
> Looks like I have to top-post so as to not mess the thread:
> The reason I need a VM is because I need to totally independent host,
> with an independent name, with access to all ports of its own.
> It looks like I need another public IP for that.

It depends on your use case.  I have a single IPv4 address allocated to 
one of my systems and have setup various CNAME entries in DNS that all 
resolve to the same IP.  I think that's a pretty common design pattern 
for people who colo their own servers and host multiple services on them.

the tricky part will be if you want to host multiple instances of the 
same service though (multiple webservers for example).  in that case 
you'll most likely need multiple IPv4 address assigned to your system.


Pete Wright
pete at

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