FreeBSD a server and bhyve

infoomatic infoomatic at
Tue Aug 11 11:54:04 UTC 2020

yes, just use an internal network within your vms. I suggest you have
the following firewall rules:

*) public_ip port {80, 443} -> vm_web

*) public_ip port {25, 143, 993 } -> vm_mail

However, you do not even need virtualization for this, you could just
use normal packages like nginx or postfix.

You could also use jails - much better in terms of latency and resource



On 11.08.20 13:48, Odhiambo Washington wrote:
> Hi,
> I have a FreeBSD 12.1 server, with 16GB RAM and several CPU cores.
> It has just 1 public IP.
> Although it has 2 NICs, I am only using one, and it is hosted on a Data
> Centre.
> Dumb question: Is it possible to virtualize a webserver/mail server withing
> a physical mail/web server with just one public IP?
> Thanks.

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