bhyve: Detecting that a guest kernel has booted

Mark Raynsford list+org.freebsd.virtualization at
Mon Mar 11 17:22:12 UTC 2019

On 2019-03-11T13:08:53 -0400
Shawn Webb <shawn.webb at> wrote:
> If your guest OS supports it, you could probably write two scripts that
> uses virtio_console(4), one for the guest to tell the host "HELLO" and
> one for the host to say "NICE TO SEE YOU!" once the guest's "HELLO" is
> received.

They're a mix of FreeBSD, OpenBSD, and Debian guests. So I'm guessing
one out of three of those supports it...

I suppose my other option would be to add (another) NFS mount in each
guest, and have them touch a file early in the init script (and
possibly touch a different file early in the shutdown script).

Mark Raynsford |

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