wrmsr to register 0x49(0x1) on vcpu x

Frank Ebert frank.ebert at freenet.de
Tue May 8 05:21:01 UTC 2018


since the last bios-update (AMD Ryzen Threadripper 1950X on Asus ROG
STRIX x399-E) I get the following message when starting a Windows 10
Guest on FreeBSD 11.1/amd64: 

wrmsr to register 0x49(0x1) on vcpu x
wrmsr to register 0x49(0x1) on vcpu x
wrmsr to register 0x49(0x1) on vcpu x
wrmsr to register 0x49(0x1) on vcpu x

The message will be repeated endless (x is the number of the vcpu).

Despite this message, the guest is running fine. I don't have any
performance issues at the moment. Prior to this bios-update the message
appears only once (or twice?) for every vcpu.

Attached you find the way I start bhyve:

bhyve -c8 -m 16G -H -w \
-s 0,amd_hostbridge \
-s 3,ahci-cd,/home/frank/bhyve/null_dvd.iso \
-s 4,ahci-hd,/dev/zvol/zroot/win10disk0 \
-s 10,virtio-net,tap0 \
-s11,fbuf,tcp=,w=1600,h=900 \
-s 30,xhci,tablet \
-s31,lpc \
-lbootrom,/usr/local/share/uefi-firmware/BHYVE_UEFI.fd win10

I use "hw.vmm.topology.cores_per_package=4" in /boot/loader.conf and a
"custom" vmm.ko (https://reviews.freebsd.org/D13780) since January.

When starting bhyve without "-w", the guest freezes while booting. But
I think this has to do with another issue

The changelog from Asus says:

Update AGESA
recommend to keep C-state [enable]

Does anyone have an idea how to solve this issue?

Thanx Frank
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