Issue encountered booting FreeBSD STABLE and CURRENT snapshots with EFI

Patrick M. Hausen hausen at
Mon Mar 26 07:14:19 UTC 2018

Hi all,

> Am 23.03.2018 um 14:19 schrieb Matt Churchyard <matt.churchyard at>:
> The original reason for null.iso was due to notes on the bhyve wiki
> " The install.iso is only required for the first boot of Windows Server and must be removed from the bhyve command after the first boot. Desktop editions of Windows require that a null install.iso file remains and it can be created with touch install.iso"
> At the time the UEFI support was primarily used for loading Windows guests, and some desktop versions apparently needed an empty iso file to boot. I was not able to verify which guests needed this file and so it was supplied to all, as it seemed to have no ill effects on the server versions of Windows I was testing with.

this looks like a piece of outdated folklore to me. At least all versions from
Windows 7 SP1 onwards boot from CD into a dialog reading like
"press a key to boot from CD" and fail over to the hard disk if you don't.
So the installation continues as it should.

I installed Windows 7 and 10 numerous times and never had to use that
"null.iso" hack.

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