Running grub-bhyve in the background???

Willem Jan Withagen wjw at
Sun Feb 8 01:05:05 UTC 2015

Hi (Peter),

I'm trying to run grub-bhyve completely automated but when I run my
version of like
	../bin/bhyve-run -f /usr/local/etc/ezbhyve/Ubuntu1204A/rc.conf &

Thegrub-bhyve loader waits for me to forground it again, because it
wants to write to the output. Probably this is due to the use of curses,
which only continues if it is actually connected to the foreground.

+ /usr/local/sbin/grub-bhyve -e -vvv -r hd0,msdos1 -m ./
-M 2048M ubuntu-12.04.1

[2]  + Suspended (tty output)        ../bin/bhyve-run -f

Is it possible on the commandline to get grub-bhyve to continue
regardless the backgrounded state?

--Willem Jan

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