Panic: 32-bit PAE enabled OS with 4GB RAM and 2 vCPUs on Bhyve

Peter Grehan grehan at
Tue Jul 22 02:28:02 UTC 2014

Hi Prakhar,

>> 1. Why are the pages mapped to AP are being zeroed when PGE flag is set for
>> AP in it's CR4 ?
> It is hard to say but my guess would be that the 4 PDPTE registers in
> the VMCS are not being properly updated during AP spinup. It would be
> helpful to see the assembly instructions in the AP spinup code that
> modify %cr0, %cr4 and %cr3 to know for sure.

  Further to what Neel is saying, are you setting the PAE bit in CR4 
prior to setting PGE in CRO ? Is CR0 being set with a direct write, or a 
read/modify/write ?



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