Routing strangeness on 9.2 jail on 10.0 host with vimage

Andreas Nilsson andrnils at
Tue Feb 11 16:54:28 UTC 2014


I have a host running 10.0(-RC5) with vimage and 64 routetables. On that
I'm trying to run a 9.2 jail ( with vnet ).

jail.conf is as

$ cat /etc/jail.conf


exec.start = "/bin/sh /etc/rc";

exec.stop = "/bin/sh /etc/rc.shutdown";




host1 {

path = "${ppath}/subdir1/host1";

vnet.interface = "epair4b";

The jail starts up fine, but when trying to check the routing table in the
jail I get:

$ netstat -rn

netstat: no namelist

What does it mean? Is there a way around this? On my 10.0 jail it works
just fine.

Best regards

Andreas Nilsson

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