Bhyve and network virtualization

Frédéric Alix frederic.alix at
Wed Feb 5 12:57:47 UTC 2014

Thank you :)
With crossbow, no GUI too.
I always prefer cmd line thant gui :p
Thank you for the document. Actually, i am testing the vde2 port (
It's very interesting too for build a virtual network.


2014-02-05 Craig Rodrigues <rodrigc at>:

> On Sat, Feb 1, 2014 at 1:03 AM, Frédéric Alix <frederic.alix at>wrote:
>> Now, i need a tool for build a virtual network, like crossbow in Illumos.
> Well, it is not a graphical tool, but if
> you are OK with doing things from the command-line,
> you can create a bridge network device and create
> tap interfaces for each BHyve VM.  Then inside your BHyve VM,
> you can use the vtnet driver (part of virtio) to access the network.
> Michael Dexter has written a nice document which explains how to do this
> and a lot more with BHyve:
> --
> Craig

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