Reminder: The Thingy in Wotsit-ma-jig

Paul Robinson paul at
Tue May 1 03:46:21 PDT 2007

Today is May 1st.

May I congratulate you on surviving to see it.

Quite honestly, I thought with your diets none of you would see out 
April. You do know what they put in that stuff, don't you? Yeah, pig 
semen. I swear! I saw a program about it... or did I read it on the net? 
Anyway, I think it's true...

But I digress. You've all (hopefully) survived. That's the main thing. 
You got to Spring. Yay. \o/

To celebrate, perhaps you'd like to join in on a kind of 
Geek/Mayday/Microsoft-baiting/Unix fest-thing.

First off, a few of us are off down to see whether Ed Gibson is dishing 
out any l33t 0-day w4rez as part of the Microsoft Security Lecture 2007. 
Apparently, and I'm quoting him here, the computing environment is 'more 
than Binary Code, it's about criminals!' and we look forward to his 
no-doubt informative talk on 'the mutating threats of cyber attacks'. 
You need to book, but I'm sure there are spaces left:

This is followed immediately afterwards by the Manchester BSD UG May meeting. We'll be walking/bussing up from the Universtity to the Briton's Protection to take over a corner of the beer garden in which we will hold counsel over all things Unix/Geek/whatever. 

In recent months the conversation has nearly always been hijacked by ruminations on economic policy and the relationship between RPI, house prices and inflation. For one month only, such essays may only be given if expressed by way of a morris dance.

I expect because of the MS security talk some of us won't get to the Briton's until closer to 8pm than 7pm, but I promise we will bring stories of the talk if you can't make it yourself. Unless we get arrested for "causing a scene" as my Mother would put it.

Paul Robinson

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