Do _any_ USB 3.0 cards actually work?

Hans Petter Selasky hps at
Sat May 24 18:54:33 UTC 2014

On 05/24/14 20:43, Ronald F. Guilmette wrote:
> I onw a 1TB HGST laptop drive.  This has been installed into a
> Patroit[tm] brand "Gauntlet II" external USB 3.0 enclosure.
> This drive has had all built-in diagnostics run on it, and it
> is perfectly A-OK.  It works compltely fine with no problems
> on multiple Linux systems I have here.
> The motherboard on my main FreeBSD system is an ASRock N68C-GC FX,
> and to that I have added one of these add-on USB 3.0 cards:
> Unfortunately, the drive is not working at all with this system
> or this card.  When the device is plugged into one of the USB 3.0
> ports I get these messages in /var/log/messages:
> May 23 22:45:04 segfault kernel: xhci_do_command: Command timeout!
> May 23 22:45:04 segfault kernel: usb_alloc_device: device init 3 failed (USB_ERR_TIMEOUT, ignored)
> May 23 22:45:04 segfault kernel: ugen2.3: <Unknown> at usbus2 (disconnected)
> May 23 22:45:04 segfault kernel: uhub_reattach_port: could not allocate new device
> No other messages appear in the log, and quite obviously, the drive
> is utterly inaccessible to FreeBSD.
> This is extraoordinarily annoying, as I spend good money to buy this
> add-in USB 3.0 card in the hopes that it would solve the problems
> that I previously had with FreeBSD and a different USB 3.0 card,
> and now it is all useless.
> Does FreeBSD support the "VIA VL800 Chipset" that this add-on card
> is alleged to contain?
> Does FreeBSD *ever* work with *any* USB 3.0 equipment?  Or is this
> just a far off dream?
> P.S.  I know that FreeBSD doesn't have nearly as many people
> working on it as Linux does, but I didn't really expect it to
> be quite this far behind in terms of driver support for USB 3.0.
> I mean how long has USB 3.0 been out now?  Five+ years??


What version of FreeBSD are you running. Have you tried -stable?

Yes, USB 3.0 _works_ with FreeBSD.


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