usb/177895: similar 1TB Western Digital "My Passports" - some load, some don't

Velcro Leaf velcroleaf at
Thu Jul 18 13:30:35 UTC 2013

I'm cc:'ing the list again.  (Hans and I had done some offline work I didn't want to spam the list with, since I wasn't sure if I was giving him the logs he was looking for.)

> On 07/16/13 16:17, Velcro Leaf wrote:

>>>  See if you get a match on the vendor and 0000
>>  # usbconfig dump_device_quirks | grep 0x1058 | grep 0x0000
>>  VID=0x1058 PID=0x0200 REVLO=0x0000 REVHI=0xffff QUIRK=UQ_MSC_FORCE_WIRE_BBB
>>  VID=0x1058 PID=0x0200 REVLO=0x0000 REVHI=0xffff 
>>  VID=0x1058 PID=0x0200 REVLO=0x0000 REVHI=0xffff 
>>  VID=0x1058 PID=0x0200 REVLO=0x0000 REVHI=0xffff QUIRK=UQ_MSC_NO_START_STOP
>>  VID=0x1058 PID=0x0200 REVLO=0x0000 REVHI=0xffff QUIRK=UQ_MSC_IGNORE_RESIDUE
>>  VID=0x1058 PID=0x0400 REVLO=0x0000 REVHI=0xffff QUIRK=UQ_MSC_FORCE_WIRE_BBB
>>  VID=0x1058 PID=0x0400 REVLO=0x0000 REVHI=0xffff 
>>  VID=0x1058 PID=0x0400 REVLO=0x0000 REVHI=0xffff 
>>  VID=0x1058 PID=0x0400 REVLO=0x0000 REVHI=0xffff QUIRK=UQ_MSC_NO_START_STOP
>>  VID=0x1058 PID=0x0400 REVLO=0x0000 REVHI=0xffff QUIRK=UQ_MSC_IGNORE_RESIDUE
>>  VID=0x1058 PID=0x0901 REVLO=0x0000 REVHI=0xffff QUIRK=UQ_MSC_FORCE_WIRE_BBB
>>  VID=0x1058 PID=0x0901 REVLO=0x0000 REVHI=0xffff 
>>  VID=0x1058 PID=0x0901 REVLO=0x0000 REVHI=0xffff 
>>  VID=0x1058 PID=0x0901 REVLO=0x0000 REVHI=0xffff QUIRK=UQ_MSC_NO_SYNC_CACHE
>>  VID=0x1058 PID=0x0704 REVLO=0x0000 REVHI=0xffff 
>>  #
>>  Does that tell us anything?
> A lot of other devices have quirks, but not yours.
> Try:
> usbconfig -d X.Y add_quirk UQ_MSC_NO_SYNC_CACHE

It didn't complain, but it didn't change the behavior either.  I still got the USB_ERR_STALLED error when I unplugged and plugged it back in.

That was on the server where the drive works, but gives this complaint when you plug it in:
usbd_setup_device_desc: getting device descriptor at addr 2 failed, USB_ERR_STALLED

On the other server, where the drive does not work at all, first there is some kind of "fatal error" when you plug it in, and beyond that point, there is no response when you plug in or unplug the drive.

Plugging in a drive that actually works also produces no response at that point.

And when the computer is rebooted, it hangs at:
usbus4: Controller shutdown

I'm not anxious to do any more experimentation on the really broken system at this point, since I've had drives this computer didn't like freeze it solid when plugged in.  (I would have a more accurate report of the "fatal error" if I were willing to put the server in jeopardy again.)  I have freedom to work on the test server that gives the USB_ERR_STALLED error, however.

Regardless of Western Digital's erratic and utterly random changes to products which seem to be outwardly identical, they shouldn't be able to kill the OS.  What's going on?

Does anyone have a suggestion for 1TB self-powered USB drives that actually work on differing hardware?

In trying to make our systems safer (ie, back them up), we're running into freezing issues and potential data corruption.

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