concurrent access to multiple endpoints of a USB device ?

Thierry Herbelot thierry.herbelot at
Tue Nov 25 13:51:02 PST 2008


(this is with the old USB stack, on a -slow- 7.1 i386 machine)

I'm playing with a USB2.0 device which exposes multplie endpoints (control on 
EP0, then bulk endpoints 1, 2 and 3).

When I run a control application doing EP0 requests simultaneously with 
another process reading off EP2, the reading process only gets errors :
"Received -1 vs 65536 bytes requested ep 2 errno=5 (Input/output error)"

The control application by itself works correctly.

I'm using a simple read system call to read from ugen0.2 :
"nb_bytes = read(ep_fd[2], buf, nb);"

Is there anything I should do to for example increase the ep2 buffer size ?
(maybe I should also try the new USB stabck, for sure)


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