how to distinguish multiple umass devices?

Andrey V. Elsukov bu7cher at
Wed Oct 24 21:34:02 PDT 2007

Dmitry Marakasov wrote:
> The best thing would be to have /dev/flash, /dev/camera etc, as in this
> case I'll distinguish thoughput graphs on GKrellM system monitor. But I
> don't think it's possible, so I need a way to at least create
> corresponding symlinks in /dev. As I understand, devd is my savior, but
> there's one problem that bugs me: devd sees umass[012], but it doesn't
> know anything about da[012]. Is there guarantee that umassX matches daX,
> or is it possible to get da* device from devd on umass attach?

You can use a nice feature - glabel(8) and create labes for each your
flash or camera device. With devfs and devd you can configure special
permissions and actions for each device.
Not every camera (digital photo) can be detected as an umass storage,
but you get an access to this camera with help of graphics/gphoto2.

WBR, Andrey V. Elsukov

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