Configuration of USB Controllers

Dr. Gary E. RAFE drgerlists at
Thu Apr 12 14:01:21 UTC 2007

"SEan Strand" <seanjstrand at> wrote:
!Sorry to trouble you but I am suffering an up-hill tug of war with these two
!HP's AMD. a Pavilion running AMD with ver :6.2 and a Pavilion
! running 6.2 in i386 mode .
!Thus I do not have any working controllers. All the devices you mentioned
!are in the kernel configuration file and the "camcontrol devlist -v" shows:
!scbus-1 on xpt0 bus 0, with nothing on it! Also nothing can be reported on
!or re-started.
!As I can't see what IRQ's are in use or are free for use it is a bit like
!trying guessing what may suite to freeBSD configuration or cause a IRQ
!I do have all the XP-window reports on the working hardware configuration.
!So may I ask which File must these XP-hardware configurations be appended to
!the end of /boot/device.hints or /usr/src/sys/i386/conf/GENERIC.hints ??
!Also how can I see the free IRQ's?
!Thanks and Rgds SEanS

Sorry, I'm not the USB expert here;
USB on our (more modern) Toshiba notebooks
has "just worked" with devices compiled into
a custom kernel or with kernel modules.

What about BIOS settings ?

Verbose booting for more info ?

Experience from Linux users with these hardware ?

Cheers --ger
Dr Gary E RAFE: drgerlists at gmail dot com

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