
Jindra Fucik fulda at seznam.cz
Tue Mar 28 11:58:56 UTC 2006

Hi list,

do anybody any tests with uhid devices?

I have little problem with my device. Device is general uhid
- based on pic16c745 chipset
- http://ww1.microchip.com/downloads/en/devicedoc/41124c.pdf
- chapter 9 USB commands

I'm able to read status from device, but I have problem with write from PC 
to device.

My steps are:
- create buffer (malloc, hid_report_size)
- fill all buffer with zeroes
- fill data (hid_set_data)
- write buffer to device (write)
- close device (close)

question is - anybody have expeerience with writing to uhid device? is it 
true to write wia write command? is it interrupt write?

Thank for help


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