ulpt and usb problems

Ian Dowse iedowse at maths.tcd.ie
Mon Mar 14 18:01:10 PST 2005

In message <0187aca93937cfe0f8796715c4d44ebc at mac.com>, Andy Doller writes:
>I have been having consistent problem with USB and my HP 1320.  It is 
>constantly causing kernel panics on my print server.  I have found RP 
>78208 which describes exactly the problem that I am having.
>I am wondering what the status of this error is.  I see there is a 
>suggested intermediate fix, but I am unsure of how to 
>apply/compile/install it or even if I should.  Help and guidance would 
>be appreciated.


If possible, could you test the patch at


instead to see if it helps? I can give you instructions for installing
it - firstly, are you running 5.3-RELEASE or -STABLE? If you're
running -STABLE then just download the patch and run this command
from the /usr/src directory:

	patch < /path/to/releng_5_callout.diff

Then compile a new kernel, install it and reboot.


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