Maintaining dupack counter per hole (was: The trouble with sack..)

Jonathan Looney jlooney at
Mon Nov 16 21:22:34 UTC 2015

On 11/16/15, 3:41 PM, "hiren panchasara" <hiren at>

>On 11/16/15 at 07:19P, Jonathan Looney wrote:
>>This somewhat makes sense. And, it looks like you are charging all
>> existing holes for each ACK that doesn't cover them (regardless of the
>> fact that it isn't really a "duplicate ACK" in this case). That also
>> generally makes sense.
>Why do you say those are not duplicate acks? I know this goes into now
>the definition of a duplicate ack what what we mean by that but to me,
>this is *the* benefit we get from SACK that we can identify these guys
>as duplicate acks.

Right. What is a duplicate ACK?

Actually, SACK lets us differentiate between these ACKs. Without SACK, we
would see three ACKs for the same segment. We wouldn't know that the
receiver actually had received three later segments.

However, with SACK, we have more information about what the remote side
actually received and we can (and should) use that to make intelligent
decisions about what to retransmit and when.

I say these aren't duplicate ACKs because the are selectively ACKing
different data. I know the code considers them "duplicate" because the ACK
field in the TCP header is unchanged. But, the SACK option gives us
further information.

>>If we instead reset the counter for a hole anytime the hole was partially
>> ACKd (including being split), we would retransmit less aggressively. In
>> this example, that would probably be good.
>> A middle-ground is to charge all holes every time we receive an ACK that
>> does not partially ACK the hole. If a hole is partially ACKd, neither
>> charge the ACK with a strike nor reset the counter.
>This is the idea I don't agree to. SACK which partially acks does tell
>us something important and IMO it'd be bad if don't consider that
>information and strike the counter.
>So, coming back to your example, it's a valid problem. But this is
>not a valid solution for it.

Why not? I don't have much invested in the idea. But, I'd like to
understand your reasoning.

>When you know that you are introducing some
>degree of reordering as a sender (as your example shows), the dupack
>threshold should be bumped up to that degree.

That's fine. Anything that lets us use the SACK data to make intelligent
decisions. My main argument is that a fixed "retransmit after X ACKs" rule
is insufficient, whether applied on a per-hole or per-tcpcb basis.

> Now, linux does this with some smart heuristics. It tracks per
> connection degree of reordering that dupack threshold is always set to
> that for any point in time. I am wondering it something like that'd
> help. OR at least, a sockopt that anyone can set (much simpler than
> coming up with heuristics logic for the first pass) for their dupack
> threshold. This would probably help your case very much.

A sockopt would be simpler, but I don't think it helps my example unless I
implement user-space logic to track reordering (which seems like it would
be hard to do well).

This is why I like the idea of changing the way we count strikes. I don't
think it is as good as the Linux heuristics sound, or even as the Google
RACK algorithm may be. But, I think we could improve on the
strike-counting code to make our SACK performance better than what we have
now (even after we fix the bugs ;-) ).


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