Translation status script - take 2

Federico Caminiti demian.fc at
Tue Oct 25 18:00:04 UTC 2016

Hi translators,

I've updated the translation status script that I originally posted in this
list a few months ago [1].

TL;DR: the program is a .sh script that indicates which documents have
already been translated, wich ones haven't , and which ones need updating.

To run the script:

1) Download the documentation tree. As indicated in the Documentation
Primer [2].

2) Modify the DOCDIR variable atop of the script to point at the directory
where you downloaded the doc tree.

3) Run the script specifying the language directory name (I.E
./ de_DE, ./ es_ES, etc...). Alternatively, you
can omit this parameter and the script will show information about all the
available languages.

I've adressed most of the issues raised and even found and corrected some
bugs, though I still haven't gotten arround to the issue of finding the
last translated revision number (this was pointed by Warren in the last
review). I'll try to have that solved as soon as I can.

In the meantime I encourage people to run the script and report bugs,
coding mistakes, or other things I might have missed.

The current version of the script can be found at:




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