Getting started with clang debuginfo

Paul FLOYD pjfloyd at
Mon Jul 27 09:27:45 UTC 2020

I'm investigating some of the remaining issues with Valgrind on FreeBSD. One of the two remaining major issues that I'm aware of is with Valgrind reading dwarf  debuginfo from clang compiled binaries. The problem isn't too bad with clang 8 on FreeBSD 12.1. On 13-CURRENT with clang 10 things are noticeably worse. For GCC built binaries I'm not aware of any issues.
I'm not familiar (yet) with the debuginfo code in Valgrind.
To get me going, does anyone have any pointers to
- documentation on clang debuginfo
- any info on differences wrt GCC (I have seen that GCC does have some debuginfo extensions)
- any tools that would be useful like ascii dumps

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