WITH_LLVM_LIBUNWIND vs. WITHOUT_LLVM_LIBUNWIND, clang vs. gcc (such as devel/powerpc64-xtoolchain-gcc ): What is intended to be required for C++ exceptions to work?

Ed Maste emaste at freebsd.org
Tue Nov 29 22:57:08 UTC 2016

On 29 November 2016 at 16:46, Mark Millard <markmi at dsl-only.net> wrote:
> Summary: Does using clang 3.9.0 as the system compiler imply one should or
> must (eventually?) use WITH_LLVM_LIBUNWIND to have C++ exceptions work?
> for what dwarfdump should show for the exception information (if the
> information to be shown is to be correct/sufficient for libunwind)?

It does not. It should be possible to build a functional system both
WITH_ and WITHOUT_LLVM_LIBUNWIND. The compiler is unaware of the
_LLVM_LIBUNWIND setting. Both unwind libraries use the same unwind

Eventually new features may show up in Clang and LLVM's libunwind (and
new versions of GNU's unwinder) that won't work with the old unwinder.

> Your answer's detail might indicate that I've misdirected the llvm folks
> in submittals like  https://llvm.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=26844 .
> There is also the question of if/when llvm's libunwind is ready to be used
> for powerpc64 or powerpc (or . . .) if there are architecture specifics
> involved. That answer might determine when C++ exceptions work (and so
> when devel/kyua might have a chance to work) and is sort of separate from
> the main question here but is still of interest overall.
> Should powerpc64 and powerpc clang 3.9.0 testing be using

For testing I think WITH_LLVM_LIBUNWIND is the interesting case. My
eventual goal is to have a functioning Clang, LLD, LLDB, libunwind,
and ELF Tool Chain on all of our supported architectures.

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